Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Catharanthus roseus - (L.) G. Don
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Sada-bahaar, Nithyakalyani, Periwinkle vinca
Habit Herb
Synonym Vinca rosea (L) G.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Violet or Pink
Key Characters Leaves obovate, obtuse, corolla tube more than 2 cm long; calyx hairy
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Herbs, erect, much branched 40-50 cm high; leaves elliptic to obovate; 3-8 cm long, rounded, retuse at apex, acute at base; petioles 0.2-0.8 cm; inflorescence axillary or terminal cymes,1-4 flowered; calyx 5 lobed, subulate; corolla usually rosy sometimes pink or white, lobes broadly ovate, tubes 2.5-3 cm long, pubescent outside, pilose inside except at the level of anthers, throat constricted hairy or thickened; stamens 5, inserted near the top of the inflated tube; filaments short, anthers oblong; disc of 2 large, elongated glands; ovary of 2 distinct carpels; ovules numerous in 2-series; style filiform, stigma depressed or capitate; follicles 2-3 cm long, erect or spreading, pubescent; seeds subcylindric, truncate at both ends |