Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ichnocarpus frutescens - (L)Aiton
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Kalidudhi,Black Creeper
Habit Climber
Synonym Ichnocarpus leptodictyus F. Muel.
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Flower small less than 4 cm
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen, climbing shrub with young branches tomentose; leaves opposite, elliptic, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, obtuse or rounded at base, rusty, tomentose and pale beneath; petioles short flowers small, many in axillary and terminal rusty pubescent panicles; peduncles short, 3-flowered; calyx 5 fid, pubescent, lobes ovate, acute, minutely glandular or not within; corolla white, salver shaped or hypocratiform, lobes 5, lobes undulate, overlapping to left, pubescent along margin; throat contrated, villous; stamens 5, inserted at or below the middle of corolla- tube, filaments obsolete, anther sagitate, connivent over stigma, spurred at base; disc free, 5 glandular lobes, longer than ovary; carpels 2, distinct, pubescent, exserted from the disc, ovules many; style short, top obconic; stigma columnar; follicles slender, cylindric, straight or curved, pubescent when young; seed oblong, narrowed at the tip, coma as long as the seed, caducous. |