Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Nerium indicum - Mill.,Gard.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Kaner, Indian oleander
Habit Shrub
Synonym Nerium olender L.
Habitat Garden
Color Of Flower Pink/white/red
Key Characters Shrubs with leaves in whorls of 3;seeds with caduceus coma.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, erect, stout shrub, branches many, whorled angular, glabrous; leaves opposite or whorled, elliptic-lanceolate narrowed at both ends, coriaceous, entire, shining green above paler beneath nerves slender, very close, midrib very prominent; petiole short, stout; flowers large, rose pink or white, scented, in terminal racemose cymes; peduncles and pedicles stout, angular, bracts ovate, minute; calyx tubular, 5 partite, sepals short, subulate or lanceolate, glandular within, segments narrow; corolla funnel shaped, tube cylindric, throat campanulate with 5 broad, toothed, fimbricate scales, white, pink or deep red, overlapping to the right, stamens 5, included, anthers sagitate, conniving around and adhering to the stigma, anther tips filiform with long spurs, latter furnished with twisted hairs; filaments short; carpels 2, distinct, many ovuled, style filiform or thickened above the middle; stigma subglobose; fruits follicles, cylindric, straight, acutely angled; seeds oblong, villous with long, terminal, caducous coma. |