Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Plumeria alba - L.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Champa. (H), Caterpillar tree, milk tree (E).
Habit Tree
Synonym Plumeria revolutifolia Stokes
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves ovate, gradually narrowed towards base;flowers with narrow, oblong corolla lobes
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree with milky latex, branches very thick, often angular; leaves alternate, simple, large, coriaceous, oblanceolate, obtuse, entire, nerves numerous, horizontal, crowded at the end of branches, glabrous above, grey pubescent beneath, petioles with a gland at the tip; disk absent; carpels-2, distinct; flowers white, fragrant in terminal, peduncled cymes; peduncles and pedicels angular, often stout; small, eglandular within, calyx deeply divided, sepals suborbicular; corolla salver shaped, with narrow, short tube, lobes oblanceolate, white, throat naked, lobes overlapping to the left; stamens-5, epipetalous, included, inserted near the base of corolla tube, anthers free, filaments slender, follicles very rarely developed; ovules many seriate, style short, stigma bilobed; follicles linear, oblong, many seeded; seeds oblong or lanceolate, winged. |