Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Plumeria obtusa - L.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Champa (H), Plumeria, Singapore frangipani (E).
Habit Tree
Synonym Plumeria clusioides var.parviflora(Griseb.)Gómez
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White/yellow
Key Characters Leaves broadly obovate; corolla lobes oblong,broad
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A small tree; leaves large upto 20 x 30 cm, obovate to oblong, obtuse or rounded at apex; petioles up to 4.5 cm long; inflorescence dense, terminal or subterminal cymes; flowers large, about 10 cm across; bracts many, broad, deciduous; calyx small, 5-toothed, eglandular within; corolla salver shaped, lobes-5, overlappingto the left; stamens-5, included, epipetalous, inserted near the base of the tube, anthers obtuse, rounded at base; disc absent or lining the calyx tube; carpels-2, distinct or connate, style short, stigma bilobed, ovules in many, stigma bilobed, ovules in many series; follicles linear-oblong; seeds many, oblong, winged. |