Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Rauvolfia tetraphylla - L.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Bara Chandrik (H), American serpent wood (E)
Habit Shrub
Synonym Rauvolfia hirsuta Jacq.
Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Shrubs; flowers yellow; calyx united
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub, young parts puberulous; leaves whorled, 4 at each node, elliptic-ovate, thinly pubescent above, densely pubescent below, acute at both ends, nerves 8-12 pairs; flowers small, white, 5-7 in axillary or terminal, short corymbs; calyx cupular, puberulous, lobes 5, short, equal or subequal, ovate, ciliate, subacute; corolla white or creamy, tube inflated at the top, pubescent along the throat; lobes ovate-rounded, obtuse, equal to the length of tube; stamens-5, iinserted at or above the middle of corolla tube, included; ovary globose, carpels-2, connate, style filiform, stigma depressed, capitate or bilobed; drupes dark when wipe, 2-4 lobed, glabrous or hirsute, usually 1-seeded. |