Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tabernaemontana divaricata - (L) R. Br.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Chandni. (H), Pinwheel Jasmine, Crepe Jasmine (E)
Habit Large shrub
Synonym Tabernaemontana coronarium (Jacq) Willd.
Habitat Garden
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Erect herbs, shrubs or trees; ovary 2 or more celled: calyx glandular.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub, branches glabrous, terete, dichotomous, spreading; leaves opposite, mostly unequal in each pair; oblong, obovate-lanceolate or elliptic entire, acuminate, coriaceous, glossy, secondary nerves 5-6 pairs; petioles glandular; flowers in terminal cymes, snow-white, fragrant at night, showy; calyx glabrous, 5-partite up to middle, lobes broadly ovate, glandular within; corolla salver shaped, white; lobes lanceolate, tube long, swollen below the middle, lobes obliquely ovate, acute, lobes overlapping to left, margins curled; stamens-5, adnate at or middle of corolla-tube; filaments short, anthers sagitate at base, obtuse, free from stigma; disk absent; carpels 2, distinct; ovules usually numerous, many-seriate; style filiform; stigma short or long, 2-lobed; follicles spreading, recurved, beaked or ribbed, sessile or shortly stipitate, 3-ribbed, 3-6 seeded; seeds ovoid or oblong, striated, fleshy. |