Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Vallaris solanacea - (Roth) Kuntze
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Dudhi ki bel, Ramsur (H), Bread flower (E).
Habit Climbing shrub
Synonym Vallaris assamensis Griff.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Anthers exserted
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Extensive, evergreen, twining shrub; stem and branches lenticellate; leaves opposite, minutely dotted, elliptic-oblong, narrowed at base, rarely glabrous on both surfaces; flowers fragrant in axillary or supra-axillary, dichotomous cymes; pedicles pubescent; calyx pubescent, teeth ovate-oblong, ciliate; corolla white, finely pubescent outside, divided half way down, lobes obovate-obtuse, as long as the tube; stamens-5 at the top of the tube, filaments very short, anthers connivent into a cone, exserted; disc 5-lobed; ovary 2-celled, many ovuled, style filiform, hairy, stigma thick, annulate; fruit oblong, acuminate; seeds 2-seriate, ovoid, acuminate, beaked, coma silvary white. |