Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Wrightia arborea - (Dennst.)Mabberley
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Dharauli, Dudhi daira dudhi, Woolly dyeing rosebay
Habit Tree
Synonym Wrightia tomentosa Roem.
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves tomentose on both surfaces,flowers with pink tinge or coronal scales
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Medium or small sized, deciduous tree, densely tomentose; leaves elliplic-oblong; caudate-acuminate at apex, rounded or acute at base, reddish brown when young, tomentose on both surfaces, main lateral nerves 6-12 pairs; petioles very short; flowers 2.5 cm across, white in subsessile, corymbose cymes; bract ovate, caducous; calyx pubescent outside glandular inside, lobes 5, obtuse; corolla salver shaped, tube cylindric, short, twice the length of calyx with pink tinge, white or turning pale yellow; lobes 5, linear-oblong, corona scales fleshy, cleaved short, obtuse in to unequal lobes; stamens-5, epipetalous, at the top of the tube, filament short, dilated, anther white, sagitate, exserted; disc absent; carpels-2, free, many ovuled, style filiform, stigma ovoid; follicles linear erect, connate throughout with a groove on each side till maturity; sub cylindric, 20-30 cm long, laterally, compressed; seeds 1.2-1.6 cm long. |