Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Wrightia antidysenterica - (L.) R. Br.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Dudhi, Kuruchi
Habit Tree
Synonym Holarrhena antidysenterica Wallich
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower Creamy white
Key Characters Throat of corolla naked or without coronal scales
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrubs or small, deciduous trees; bark pale brown; leaves shortly petioled, opposite, membranous, broadly ovate to elliptic-oblong, acuminate at apex, rounded or tapering at base, glabrous or pubescent, especially beneath, nerves 10-12 pairs, strong, arched; flowers white, inodourous, fragrant in terminal, many flowered corymbose cymes; bracts small, ciliate; calyx 5-lobed, small, lanceolate, acuminate, usually glandular within; corolla salver shaped, white, lobes-5, oblong, overlapping to left, throat contracted, without ring of hairs, tube cylindric, slender, pubescent; stamens-5, epipetalous, included, inserted near the base of tube; anthers oblong-lanceolate, mucronate, cells rounded at the base; disk absent; carpels-2, distinct, ovules many celled; style short, filiform, stigma oblong, fusiform, entire or 2-lobed; follicles 20-40 cm long, very slender, terete, coriaceous, obscurely torulose, usually marked with narrow, white spots; seeds linear, about 1 cm long, narrow, coma pale brown, deciduous. |