Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Wrightia tinctoia - R.Br.
Family Apocynaceae
Common Name Dudhi,Indrajau,Pala indigo plant
Habit Tree
Synonym Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves glabrous,sometimes beneath coronal scales
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree, deciduous; twigs glabrous or puberulous; leaves elliptic, oblong, obovate-oblanceolate, acuminate at apex, rounded or acute at base, nerves 6-12 pairs; flowers in subaxillary or terminal cymes, sessile white, fragrant; bract minute; sepals-5, ovate, obtuse with glands or scales inside; corolla salver shaped, tube short, cylindric, white, lobes-5, linear to oblong; coronal scales linear, fimbriate usually in 2-series, stamens-5, large at the top of the tube, filament short, dilated, anthers exserted, sagitate, conniving around and adhering to the stigma, spurred at the base; disc absent; carpels-2, free, many ovuled, placenta marginal, style filiform, stigma ovoid; follicles paired, linear, oblong, pendulous, cohering at the tip only, cylindrical, 25-40 cm long slender, curved, glabrous; seed linear, compressed, tip narrowed, naked, base with a deciduous coma. |