Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cryptolepis dubia - (Burm.f.) Almeida
Family Periplocaceae
Common Name Anantamula,Indian Sarsaparilla
Habit Climbing shrub
Synonym Nerium reticulatum Roxb.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Cream yellow
Key Characters Laticiferous,leaves opposite, entire, free stamens, anthers with a terminal appendage, pollen masses granular.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large twining shurb, branches terete, whitish green; leaves opposite, oblong, ovate or elliptic, apiculate or acuminate at apex, usually acute at base, shining above glaucous beneath, coriaceous; nerves more than 7 pairs; flowers in terminal or axillary, slender, dichotomous, peduculate cymes; bracts ovate or lanceolate with scarious margin; calyx deeply 5-fid with five scales within, lobes ovate, acute; corolla greenish-yellow, tube short, cylindric or bell shaped, lobes linear, twisted, overlapping to the right in bud, coronal scales-5, clavate, fleshy; stamens attached towards the base of the corolla tube, filaments subconnate by their broad bases; anthers short, sagittate, connivent over style apex; ovary with 2 to many ovules; stigma broadly conical; follicles stout, straight, terete, smooth, tapering; seeds compressed, oblong, black; coma about 3 cm long. |