Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Asclepias curassavica - L.
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name Haldi-kumkum
Habit Herb
Synonym Asclepias cubensis Wender
Habitat Ornamental
Color Of Flower Yellow-red
Key Characters Shrubs or climbers,corolla-tube with a ring of scales in the throat, staminal corona,Leaves glabrous, lanceolate;flower red and yellow
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Herb erect, perennial, up to 1 m high; leaves opposite, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, at apex acute, narrowed into a short, glabrous petiole; flowers small, in shortly peduncled, many-fid, umbelliform cymes; pedicels 2 cm long, pubescent; bract linear; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate, acute, valvate, herbaceous, ciliate, glandular within; corolla bright orange-red obovate, obutuse or acute, valvate, refixed, glabrescent or not, column stipitate, coronal scales 5, erect, spoon shaped, spathulate, adnate to the column; anther tips membranous, inflexed, pollen masses one in each cell, pendulous, flattend, waxy; stigma depressed, 5 angled gynostegium; follicle turgid, beaked, smooth, many seeded up to 7 cm long, tapering at both ends; seeds smooth comose at the tip. |