Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Calotropis gigantea - (L) R. Br.
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name Aak,Madar,Crown flower
Habit Shrub
Synonym Madorius giganteus (L.) Kuntz
Habitat Waste lands
Color Of Flower Purple/white
Key Characters Leaves with white tomentose,cordate base;leaves opposite,subsessile,flower white or purple corolla campanulate with corona.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A large shrub or occasionally subarbreous, branches stout, wooly; bark pale, wrinkled when old; young parts and under surface of leaves covered with appressed white floccose tomentum; leaves sessile, thick, glaucous-green, cuneate-obovate, acute or shortly acuminate, with a narrow, cordate or often amplexicaul base, smooth above, cottony beneath; flowers in umbelliform, long peduncled cymes, not fragrant; bracts oblong; calyx-segments with acute apex; corolla purple to white; lobes deltoid, spreading, revolute, subulate, corona lobes hairy, shorter than the column, curved on the back, anther tips membranous, inflexed, pollen masses one in each cell, pendulous, flattend, waxy; stigma depressed, 5 angled gynostegium; follicles recurved; seeds broadly ovate, minutely tomentose; coma white, silky. |