Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Calotropis procera - Aiton R.Br.
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name Akohwa,Madar,Rubber Bush
Habit Shrub
Synonym Asclepias procera Aiton
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Purple/white
Key Characters Corolla lobes erect; corona equal to or longer than staminal column
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrubs, reaching 2-3 m high, stem branched with milky juice; bark soft; leaves opposite, 5-12 cm, sessile, oblong, sharply acute or sub mucronate at apex, cottony beneath; flowers in umbelliform cymose, 2.5 cm across, fragrant; often paired, 2.5-6 cm long, cottony peduncle; calyx segments spreading, glandular within; corolla pink with purple spots; lobes 5, erect, broadly triangular, valvate, glabrous; corona lobes-5, acute, laterally compressed, 6 mm long, glabrous, exceeding the staminal column, anther tips membranous, inflexed, pollen masses one in each cell, pendulous, flattend, waxy; stigma depressed, 5 angled gynostegium; follicles recurved, 10-15 cm; seeds obovate, coma white, silky. |