Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Dregea volubilis - (L.f.) Benth ex Hook
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name Nakchhikni, Sneeze Wort, Cotton milk plant
Habit Shrub
Synonym Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Benth.
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower Dull yellow
Key Characters Corona scales without ligular appendage
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial climbing shrub; branches terete, internodes densely pubescent; leaves opposite decussate, lamina broadly ovate-lanceolate acuminate at apex, oblique or deeply cordate at base, pubescent when young, lateral veins 4-6 pairs; flowers many drooping in lateral umbelliform cymes; bracts linear, pubescent, pedicles terete, slender pubescent; calyx divided up to base, lobes-5, ovate, apex acute, margin ciliate, pubescent glandular within; corolla lobes oblong apex obtuse or cupular, notched; staminal corona uniseriate, 5 lobed, segments large, fleshy; stamens 5, corona single of 5-fleshy, truncate, lobes or scales attached to the upper part of staminal column which arise near the base of corolla; follicles paired, ovoid, tapering to a very blunt point, velvety when young, brown, tomentose; seeds many, ovate, base rounded, yellow with pink, coma silky-white. |