Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Marsdenia sylvestris - (Retz.) P.I. Forst
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name Gurmar, Merasingi, Miracle fruit
Habit Climbing shrub or under shrub
Synonym Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) Schult.
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Pollinia erect or horizontal, Corona adnate to corolla lobes
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, woody climber; branches slender, terete, twining; leaves opposite, coriaceous, broadly elliptic, oblong, shortly acuminate at apex, rounded or cordate at base, rarely pubescent, often glabrous above; flowers small, crowded in umbelliform cymes; peduncles densely tomentose; pedicels slender; calyx pubescent, deeply 5-lobed; lobes oblong, obtuse; corolla pale yellow, campanulate or urceolate, lobes-5, short, glabrous, thick, triangular, obtuse, recurved, as long as the tube, overlapping to right; corona-lobes fleshy, adnate to corolla throat, column short; filaments connate; anther tips small, membranous, pollen-masses solitary in each anther cell, ovoid-oblong, waxy, pedicelled, erect; stigma large, conical, clavate or capitate, often exserted; follicles slender or turgid, terete, smooth, lanceolate, 5-7.5 cm long, glabrous, acuminate at the distal end; seeds ovoid or oblong, flat 1.2 cm long, pale brown, broadly margined. |