Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Strychnos nux vomica - L.
Family Logaginaceae
Common Name Kuchla,Poison nut, Quaker buttons
Habit Tree
Synonym Strychnos spireana Dop
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Greenish-yellow
Key Characters Leaves opposite, stipules various or absent
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree, up to 80-100 m high, branches sometimes with axillary thorns; leaves broadly ovate or elliptic, 3-5-nerved at the base, acuminate or obtuse at apex, glabrous; flowers in terminal cymes, short, peduculed, many-flowered, thinly tomentose; pedicels hardly any; calyx-lobes 5 or 4, small, ovate, tomentose; corolla greenish-yellow, 5 or 4 fid, tube 4 times longer than calyx, lobes short, valvate, glabrous or with few hairs on lower portion of the tube; stamens 5, epipetalous; filaments short; anthers oblong, glaborus; ovary 2-celled, hairy, style, long glabrous; stigma capitate or bilobed; berries indehiscent, many seeded, 3-5 cm across, orange, thick shelled; seeds globose, discoid or oblong. |