Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Centaurium meyeri(Bunge) Druce - undefined
Family Gentianaceae
Common Name Luntak,Chhoti Chirayata, Pink Centaury
Habit Herb
Synonym C.pulchellum var.altaicum (Griseb.) Kitag & H.Hara
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Flowers pedicellate in dichotomous cymes, filament distinct
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A small, erect, annul herb, 5-20 cm tall, branched from base; stem 4 winged or angled; leaves of 2-types; radial leaves in rosettes, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse at apex; cauline ones smaller, linear-oblong, acute or subotuse at apex, glabrous; flowers in dichotomous cyme; bracts narrow, inconspicuous; flowers 1-2 cm across, star shaped, with 5 spreading petals; calyx segments-5, linear, shorter than corolla-tube; corolla rosy-pink or purple, lobes-5, elliptic, acute; stamens 5, inserted in the upper half of corolla-tube, anthers twisting spirally after dehiscence; ovary linear, 1-locular, style slender, stigma 2 lobed; capsules linear-oblong as long as calyx, 2 valved, many seeded. |