Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Exacum pedunculatum - L.
Family Gentianaceae
Common Name Stalked Persian violet
Habit Herb
Synonym Exacum punctatum L. f.
Habitat Waste lands and hilly slopes
Color Of Flower Pale blue
Key Characters Ovary bilocular
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small, much branches, slender herb, up to 10-12 cm high; stem slender, tetrangular; leaves subsessile narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, acute at apex, tapering at base, usually 3 nerved; flowers tetramerous, few clustered in terminal, multifid cymes; pedicels slender; calyx deeply 4-5 lobbed, segments keeled, winged or flat; corolla 4-5 lobed, rotate, tube very short, ovate-oblong, purple, blue or white; stamens-4-5, attached on the throat of corolla, filaments short, anthers, large, oblong, dehiscing with pore at apex, halfway down to the base; ovary-2 celled, style long, stigma subcapitate, small, placenta large; capsule globose, 2-valved; seeds very many, minute, subcuboid. |