Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Phlox divericata - L.
Family Polemoniaceae
Common Name Wild blue phlox (E).
Habit Herb
Synonym Phlox divaricata f. divaricata
Habitat Planted in gardens
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters leaves exstipulate,flowers bisexual,actinomorphic,sepal 5, persistent,lobes twisted to right; stamens 5, epipatelous;seated on a disk, multilocular; ovules many
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial herb; stems slender, branched, up to 35 cm high; leaves mostly opposite, sometimes upper ones alternate, linear-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, entire, acute at apex; flowers in small cymes terminating short branches; calyx lobes-5, narrowly subulate; corolla blue or pinkish blue, hypocrateriform, lobes flat, often notched, tube slender; stamens 5, unequal, usually included; ovary oblong or ovoid, 3-locular, style slender, trifid; capsule 3-valved, many seeded. |