Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cordia dichotoma - G. Froster
Family Boraginaceae
Common Name Lasora, Indian cherry, Soap berry
Habit Tree
Synonym Cordia indica Lam.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Dull white
Key Characters Flowers small; corolla white, calyx not ribbed.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small crooked tree with drooping, pubescent branches, leaves alternate, thinly coriaceous, elliptic to orbicular, cuneate at base, margin entire, glabrous above, softly pubescent beneath, sub 3-nerved at the base, petioles long; flowers white, unisexual, make , female on same tree, in axillary or terminal, lax corymbose cymes; calyx campanulate, shortly 5 toothed, lobed hairy within; corolla funnel shaped, small, tube short, 4-8 lobed, hairy within; stamens 4-8, filaments hairy at its base, anthers short; ovary glabrous, 4-celled, 1-ovule in each, styles terminal, long, bipartite; stigma with long linear lobes; drupes pale-orange, ovoid or ellipsoid, apiculate, 1-seeded; fruiting calyx striated. |