Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cordia sebestena - L.
Family Boraginaceae
Common Name Geiger, Orange Geiger, Lal lasora
Habit large shrub or small tree
Synonym Cordia speciosa Salisb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Orange
Key Characters Flowers large; corolla scarlet red.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous shrub or small tree, branches glabrous or minutely pubescent; leaves alternate or upper sub-opposite, large, ovate-oblong, rounded or subcordate at base, obscurely 3-nerved, entire, acute or sub-acute; flowers in large terminal cymes, bracts minute, pedicels pubescent; calyx irregularly lobed, teeth short, triangular, pubescent within; corolla bright, scarlet or orange red, tube longer than the calyx limbs, infundibuliform, spreading in to 5-6 subequal, orbicular, plicate-nerved lobes with crisped margins, stamens as many as the corolla lobes, included in the tube, epipetalous or free; ovary 4-locular, style 4-fid, stigma, capitate or clavate, drupes ovoid or ellipsoid, unlobed, 1-pyrenous, 1-seeded; seed subspinous, glossy, muricated. |