Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cynoglossum lanceolatum - Forssk.
Family Boraginaceae
Common Name Lanceleaf,Forget me not
Habit Herb
Synonym Cynoglossum micranthum Desf.
Habitat Roadside,waste place
Color Of Flower White/blue
Key Characters Leaves covered with hairs of unequal length;nutlets not or obscurely margined.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, hispid herb, 45-75 cm long; leaves alternate, broadly lanceolate to linear, midrib prominent beneath, upper leaves sessile, lower leaf base narrowed to from petiole like structure; racemes often long, slightly curved with all flowers shortly pedicelled, branches unequal, strigose; flowers bracteate, very small, white, with bluish or purple eyes, 4 mm in diam; calyx campanulate, deeply 5 lobed, enlarged in fruit; corolla urceolate, pink, tube short with 5 obtuse or emarginate scales in the throat; stamens-5, included beneath the scales, anthers small, ovate; ovary lobes-4, style short; nutlets-4, obovoid, forming a pyramid, densely glochidiate all over. |