Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cynoglossum zeylanicum - (Lehm.) Brand
Family Boraginaceae
Common Name Lichardi (H), Forget me not
Habit Herb
Synonym Cynoglossum ovatum Moon
Habitat Forest
Color Of Flower Pale blue
Key Characters Leaves covered with hairs of equal length;nutlets strongly margined
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect herb, upto 1.5 m high; stem covered with spreading or appressed, soft hairs; leaves alternate, 3-7 cm long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, narrowed towards the base and often decurrent; upper surface covered with short, stiff hairs seated on bulbous bases which become white when dry; lower surface usually strigose with densely hairy nerves; margins more less denticulate, ciliate; flowers shortly pedicelled, in terminal and axillary curved racemes; calyx softly hairy, usually enlarged in fruit; lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, ciliate, midrib conspicuous within; corolla campanulate, lobes-5, oblong or suborbicular, pale blue; stamens 5, included filaments very short; ovary lobes 4, stytle short, stigma small; nutlets 4, ovoid, uniformly appendiculate; appendages glochidiate at apex, not confluent at base, sometimes nutlets becomes oblique. |