Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Annona squamosa - L.
Family Annonaceae
Common Name Sitaphal, Sharifa, Custard Apple
Habit Shrub
Synonym Annona asiatica L.
Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower Creamy yellow
Key Characters Inner petals minute, concealing the stamens
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub or small tree; leaves alternate, simple, oblong, usually obtuse, sometimes acuminate, base tapering into short petiole; glaucous beneath, pubescent when young, glabrous afterwards, slightly scented; flowers solitary or in groups, inserted on short, lateral peduncles, pubescent, drooping, shortly stalked; sepals-3; petals 3+3, narrow, oblong with concave base; stamens many, free, closely packed, anther cells produced; carpels indefinite, connate, ovule solitary; stigma oblong, style slender; fruit 5-15 cm across, globose to ovoid, greenish yellow, fleshy, areolate with 5-corners, embossed with prominent, elevated, hexagonal scales, filled with pulpy pericarp; seeds many, arillate, brown or black. |