Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Stephania japonica - (Thunb.) Miers.
Family Menispermaceae
Common Name Pahad bel, Snake vine
Habit Climbing shrub
Synonym Menispermum japonicum Thunb.
Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Bracts small, deciduous male sepals 6-10
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, large, climbing shrubs; roots tuberous; stem striate, puberulous or glabrous; leaves peltate, ovate-triangular, sometimes deltoid, truncate, 4-8 x 3-6 cm, base rounded, apex acuminate or obtusely mucronate, puberulous beneath, nerves 7-10 at base; petiole about 2-7 cm long, puberulous; male flowers pale yellow in capitate or umbellate cymes; bracts subulate; sepals 6-10, free, ovate to obovate or oblanceolate; petals 3-5, free, obovate, fleshy; stamens- 6, connate, anthers encircling the top of staminal column; female flowers yellow on stout peduncle; sepals 3-5 cuniate, puberulous; petals 3-5; carpel-1; style short, slender; stigma 3-6 lobed; drupes sessile or shorly stalked, obovoid, glabrous, endocarp horse shoe shaped, compressed, tubercled. |