Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tinospora cordifolia - (Willd.) Miers.
Family Menispermaceae
Common Name Giloy, Gulancha, Gurcha , Heartleaf moon seed
Habit Climber
Synonym Cocculus cordifoloius (Willd.) DC.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves deeply cordate with large basal lobes
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial deciduous, woody climber; bark corky often with scattered lenticels, stem striate when young; branches very long, spreading, usually slender, glabrous with aerial roots; leaves alternate, deeply cordate, base sinuate, apex abruptly cuspidate-acuminate, surface glabrous; nerves 5-7at base, palmate; petiole very long, pulvinate; flowers unisexual in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles, exceeding the leaves or on old leafless branchlets; bracts subulate; sepals -6, in 2-series, inner larger membranous, outer smaller, ovate, petals 6, hairy outside; male flowers fascicled, yellow; pedicels short; stamens 6, free, filaments thickened at tip, anthers oblong, obliquely adnate; female flowers solitary, glabrous; petals cuneat; staminodes- 6, clavate; carpels-3; ovaries 3; stigma forked; drupes glabrous, red, 1-3, dorsally convex, ventrally flat, size of a small cherry, style scar sub-terminal; seeds grooved, ventrally concave; albumen ventrally ruminate; cotyledons foliaceous. |