Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Papaver somniferum - L.
Family Papavaraceae
Common Name Posta, Apheem, Khas-khas, Poppy
Habit Herb
Synonym Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum Corbiere
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Robust herb; capsule globose
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, glaucous, herb, rarely branched, usually glabrous; basal leaves oblong, shallowly pinnatifid, rounded or cordate at base, acute at apex, coarsely dentate, shortly petioled, clasping at base, upper cauline leaves smaller, shallowly lobed or unlobed, sessile, cordate with amplexicaulous base; flowers solitary, terminal on long, prickly peduncle, 5-6 cm across, white, scarlet or pale purple; sepals 2-3, glabrous, deciduous; petals 6 in two series, obovoid, red or pink; stamens numerous, polyandrous, filaments as long as style, slightly dilated, anthers yellow, oblong; ovary globose, stigma discoid with 5-12 rays; capsule globose 2-3 cm across, dehiscing by pores below the disc of stigma; seeds globose, white or grey to black. |