Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Fumaria indica - (Haussk.) Pugsley
Family Fumariaceae
Common Name Pitpapra, Fumitory herb
Habit Herb
Synonym Fumaria vaillantii var. indica Hausskn.
Habitat Wild, dry warm regions
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Pink or purple flowers.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, diffused, much branched, glaucous, scandent herb; juice watery; leaves alternate, exstipulate, simple, 2-3 pinnatisect to decompound with multifid, very narrow, flat segments, base obtuse, margin entire, apex acute; flowers small, in terminal or leaf opposed, lax racemes (5-6 cm), pink or white with purple tips, bracteate, zygomorphic, spurred laterally; sepals 2, valvate, deciduous; petals 2+2, one of outer whorl obtusely spurred; stamens 6, united into 2 bundles on the sides of pistil, anther of central stamen in each 1-celled of lateral ones 2-celled; base of filaments broad; ovary bicarpellary, unilocular, superior, style long or short, stigma obtuse or lobed; capsule1-seeded, globose, rugose or faintly varicose, dry with 2 pits at the top. |