Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Hybanthus enneaspermus - (L.) F. Muell
Family Violaceae
Common Name Ratanpurush, Spade flower
Habit Herb
Synonym Hybanthus heterophyllus (Vent.) Baill
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Sepals not produced at base; petals unequal, lower larger;anthers distinct
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial herb or undershrub, with spreading or ascending branches, glabrous or pubescent; leaves alternate, subsessile, linear-lanceolate, mucronate, crenate to serrate, lower leaves broader than upper ones, stipules subulate, gland tipped; peduncles articulate; flowers solitary, axillary, purple, small, bisexual, irregular, bracteolate; pedicels shorter than leaves; sepals-5, subequal, not produced at the base, triangular, acuminate; petals 4, pink unequal, lowermost petal largest with an elongated, spurred claw towards base and a broad orbicular limb above; stamens-5, filaments, free or coherent, anthers free or connate, usually 2 (rarely 4) of them spurred or gibbous at the base; style clavate, incurved, stigma oblique, ovary ovoid, sessile, 1-celled, 3-parietal, placenta; capsules sub-globose, few seeded, 3 valved, seeds conspicuously ribbed. |