Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Brassica rapa ssp. campestris - L.
Family Brassicaceae
Common Name Kali Sarson, Mustard
Habit Herb
Synonym Brassicaceae campestris L.
Habitat Cultivated
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Stem glabrous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, tall, 30-50 cm high; stem simple or branched, glabrous or slightly hispid; leaves large, petiolate, alternate, lyrate or pinnatifid, upper oblong, lanceolate; flowers bright yellow,1 cm across, in about 20-45 cm long, 30-40 flowered, lax, corymbose racemes; pedicels short, ascending or spreading; ebracteate; sepals 4, sub-erect, usually saccate at the base, inner pair longer than outer, glaucous, turning yellow before falling; petals 4, cruciform; stamens- 6, tetradynamous; stigma capitate, style short and stout; pods long, linear-cylindric, up to 6 cm long including seedless beak, glabrous; pedicels 1-2.5 cm in fruits; seeds 30-80, uniseriate in pod; seeds globose to subglobose, dingy white, yellow or brown, small, smooth. |