Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Lepidium sativa - L.
Family Brassicaceae
Common Name Aliv, Assalia, Halim, Garden Cress
Habit Herb
Synonym Lepidium sativa (L.) Desv.
Habitat Weed in cultivated lands
Color Of Flower White or pink
Key Characters Flowers white or pink.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, glabrous, branched herb or undershrub; leaves varioualy devided, lower leaves often petiolate with pinnatifid segments, upper ones linear, sessile, or subsessile, nearly entire, glabrous; flowers in long corymbose racemes, small, white or with pink tinge, ebracteate; sepals-4, subequal, inner slightly broad, oblong, obtuse; petals-4, unequal, sometimes absent or shorter than sepals; stamens-6, tetradynamous, sometimes 4 or 2 by abortion; ovary flat with 2 pendulous ovules; style short; stigma capitate; pods broadly elliptic, ovate or oblong, keeled or winged, apex deeply notched, septum narrow, membranous, not veined; seeds solitary in each cell, ovoid-globose, reddish-brown. |