Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Lobularia maritima - (L.) Desv.
Family Brassicaceae
Common Name Sweet Alyssum
Habit Herb
Synonym Alyssum maritimum (L.) Desv.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Petals 4, rounded, white, flattened with short claw.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, glabrous herb; stem branched, leaves alternate, sessile, hairy, lanceolate or linear, margin entire; flowers small, sweet smelling, densely clustered in racemes; sepals 4, short, erect or spreading, equal at base; petals 4, rounded, white, flattened with short claw; stamens 6, filaments often winged or with appendage, yellow anthers; ovary 1-celled, many ovuled, pareital placentation, stigma bilobed, style varying in length; pods short, concave or convex in centre and flat at the margin, septum membranous, entire or perforated; seeds 2-10 flattened. |