Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cleome simplicifolia - Hk.
Family Cleomaceae
Common Name Simple leaved clammy weed
Habit Herbs
Synonym Polanisia simplicifolia Camb.
Habitat open and dry places
Color Of Flower Pink or bright purple
Key Characters Flowers violet or pink.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, prostrate or procumbent, 10-25 cm tall, strigose, herb; stem angled, scabrid, much branched from the base; leaves simple, 2.5-5 cm long, obovate, oblong or lanceolate, tapering at base, obtuse or at apex, entire or faintly serrulate along margins, strigose with scaberulous hairs, petiole reaching 2 cm in length; flowers pedicellate, violet or pink, in elongated, leafy racemes, bracts leafy, narrowly-oblong, sub-sessile; sepals 4, triangular or ovate, scabrid; petals 4, oblong, obovate, indistinctly clawed at base, rounded with mucronate apex, about 2 cm in length; stamens 10-12, filaments filiform, glabrous, subequal, free, staminodes present; style short, ovary 1-celled, many ovuled; capsule subsessile, 2-3 cm, linear, elongated, beaked, 2-valved siliqua, replum persistent; seeds many, larger smooth. |