Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Polygala arvensis - Willd.
Family Polygalaceae
Common Name Sanjivani, Field Milkwort
Habit Herb
Synonym Polygala brachystachya DC
Habitat Moist shady places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Racemes up to 2 cm; sepals sparsely pubescent; capsule symmetric, densely ciliate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual erect or diffused herb, branching from the base; leaves shortly petioled, orbicular or cordate to narrowly linear, mucronate; racemes short, axillary or extra axillary; flowers pendulous, winged; sepals-5, ovate-oblong, pubescent; petals 3, tubular or keel shaped; stamens-8, anthers opening by pores; staminal sheath and filaments free; ovary 1-3 celled, ovule 1 or more in each cell, style curved, stigma capitate; capsule sub-orbicular, shorter than the calyx wings, notched, ciliate; seeds black with silky pilose; caruncle 3-fid, almost to the base, forming very short, toothed appendages. |