Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Polygala elongata - Klein ex Willd
Family Polygalaceae
Common Name Narrow leaved Milkwort
Habit Herb
Synonym Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Yellow or pink
Key Characters Racemes up to 4-5 cm; sepals sparsely glabrous;capsule asymmetric, scarcely or not ciliate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect or ascending, slender herb; stem angled near apex; leaves linear or linear oblong, obtuse, acute or mucronate, margins entire, thickened, apex obtuse or retuse, veins prominent beneath; inflorescence extra-axillary, many flowered racemes, longer than leaves; flowers yellow, pedicels slender; bracts minute; sepals-5, subequal, lanceolate, falcate, acuminate, wings very oblique, equaling the corolla; petals yellow with brown streaks, middle lobe keeled, crested with shortly forked or notched appendages; 8-filaments united in lower half into split tube or sheath, anthers opening by pores; ovary 2-celled, ovule pendulous, one in each; style short, slender; stigma horse-shoe shaped; capsules didymous, narrower upwards, rhomboid, notched, glabrous, narrowly winged; seeds villous, straphiolate, oblong-ovoid, black, caruncle boat or hood shaped with 3, very small appendages. |