Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Polygala erioptera - DC.
Family Polygalaceae
Common Name Gulpankhi, Wooly winged milkwort
Habit Herb
Synonym Polygala vahliana DC
Habitat Shady places
Color Of Flower Purple/violet
Key Characters Winged sepals elliptic, oblong; style widened like a knob
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect or decumbent herb; leaves narrowly linear, oblong or obovate, glabrous to densely pubescent, base sub-acute, margins entire, apex obtuse or emarginate; racemes short, few-flowered, axillary or extra axillary; peduncle 2-3 flowered; pedicels slender flowers small, purple; bracts minute; sepals-5, subequal, ciliate, lanceolate-ovate; wings green, oblique; petals-3, lateral petals shorter than keel; stamens-8, filaments united in their lower half into a split sheath, anthers opening by pores; ovary 2-celled, ovule-1, pendulous in each; styles with knob like apex; capsules oblong, obliquely emarginated, densely pubescent, wings membranous; seeds oblong, black, strophiolate, densely pilose; caruncle membranous, glabrous, inappendiculate. |