Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Portulaca pilosa - L.
Family Portulacaceae
Common Name Pink purslane
Habit Herb
Synonym Portulaca foliosa DC.
Habitat Sandy places
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Flowers small, about 1 cm or less
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, succulent, prostrate or decumbent, ascending, much branched herb; leaves alternate, spirally arranged, crowded at the end of branches, linear, succulent, base cuneate, apex acute, nodal appendages hairy, long, tufted; flowers terminal, solitary or 3-4 together, within an involucre of 8-10 leaves or tufted hairs; sepals ovate; petals many, pink, obovate; stamens 10-16; ovary half inferior, half adnate, 1-celled; ovules 2-many on basal or central column; capsule ovoid; seeds blackish, rugose, very small with concentric rows of minute tubercles. |