Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abelmoschus ficulneus - (L.) W. & A.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Ban Bhindi, Jungli Bhindi (H), White Musk Mallow
Habit Herb or shrub
Synonym Hibiscus sinuatus Cav.
Habitat Mixed forest
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Epicalyx segments caducous
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, hispid unarmed undershrub; branches hairy or prickly with bulbous base or with small tubercles; leaves alternate, orbicular, palmately 3-5-lobed, glandular beneath, unequal, margins serrate; stipules subulate, lanceolate, caducous; flowers solitary, axillary or in terminal racemes; peduncles shorter than petioles; epicalyx 4-6 lobed, broad, leafy, usually falling before anthesis; sepals-5, hispid, connate for the whole length, spathaceous in bud; corolla white turning pink or mauve with dark rosy centre; petals 5, obovate; stamens numerous, anthers monothecous, reniform, filaments coherent forming a slender, columnar staminal tube about half the length of petals, 5-toothed at the summit; ovary 5-8 celled, ovules 3 or more in each, style-5, connate below, stigma capitate; capsule 3-5 cm, elongated-ovoid, slightly curved, 5-angled, obtuse or acuminate, densely tomentose, covered with viscid points; seeds globose, brown-black, covered with fine hairs. |