Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abelmoschus manihot - (L.) Medik.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Jungli Bhindi, Sun-set Hibiscus
Habit Herb or under shrub
Synonym Hibiscus manihot L.
Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Epicalyx segments 4-6, ovate oblong
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial herb or undershrubs; stem terete, stout, glabrous or densely hispid; leaves extremely variable in size and shape, usually orbicular-ovate, 3-9 lobed, base cordate, 5-nerved; petiole long, glabrous or hispid; stipules linear, stellately hairy; flowers solitary, axillary or in terminal racemes; epicalyx lobes 4-6, ovate-oblong; calyx 5-lobed, tomentose; corolla yellow with purple throat; petals obovate; staminal column quite short, antheriferous throughout the length; ovary 5-celled; style branched; stigma discoid; capsules ovoid, oblong, acuminate, 5-angled, densely hairy, valves with long, white hairs; seeds globose-reniform with stellate hairs in concentric rings, brown or black. |