Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abelmoschus moschatus - Medik.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Kasturi-Bhindi,Mushk Dana,Musk Mallon
Habit Herb
Synonym Hibiscus abelmoschus L.
Habitat Open and waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Capsule subglobose or ovoid, faintly angled
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Erect, hispid herb or undershrub; leaves extremely variable, upper ovate, cordate or more usually palmate, 3-7 lobed, acute or acuminate, lower narrower, hastate to sagitate with triangular, spreading lobes coarsely toothed, hairy on both surface; petioles longer than blade with long, deflexed hairs; stipules small, linear, hairy; pedicels as long as the petioles; flowers solitary, axillary, large 5-6 cm across; epicalyx lobes 6-12, linear, hispid, much shorter than calyx, usually appressed to the capsule; calyx completely connate, split down on one side, usually oblong, 10-15 toothed, tomentose; corolla yellow with dark purple or crimson center, petals obovate; staminal column 2 cm; capsules narrowly oblong, acute, glabrescent, setose on thickened pedicels; seeds globose to reniform, striate, musky. |