Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abutilon hirtum - (Lam.) Sweet
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Barkanghi, Florida Keys, Indian Mallow
Habit Herb and under shrub
Synonym Sida hirta Lam.
Habitat Roadsides
Color Of Flower Orange-yellow
Key Characters Stems, petioles and pedicels with long, simple hairs;flowers with purple centre.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, hispid herb or undershrub with unpleasant smell; stem, petioles and pedicels covered with fine, short, simple or stellate, glandular hairs; leaves scabrid, orbicular to cordate at base, crenate-dentate margins, abruptly acuminate, velvety on both surfaces, 7-9 nerved at base, pubescent; stipules linear, subulate; flowers large, orange with dark purple centre, solitary, axillary; pedicels as long as petioles, jointed; bracteoles absent; calyx campanulate, divided up to the middle, lobes-5, acute or slightly acuminate, persistent, reflexed in fruit; corolla orange-yellow, usually with dark, purple centre, hairy; stamens numerous, forming a columnar tube about half the length of petals; carpels 20 or more, hispid, scarcely longer than calyx, awns erect; styles as many as carpels, connate upto the middle; stigma capitate; ripe carpels separating from the axis, shortly awned, 1- or more seeded; fruit schizocarpic, mericarps 20 or more; seeds reniform, punctuated by minute, stellate hairs, brownish black. |