Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abutilon indicum - (L.) Sweet
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Kanghi, Mudra, Aphra (H), Indian Mallow
Habit Herb or under shrub
Synonym Abutilon asiaticum (L.) Sweet
Habitat Roadsides
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Stems, petioles and pedicels with short, stellate hairs; flowers without purple centre.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial undershrub with hoary, tomentose stem; petioles and pedicels densely or sparsely covered with minute, stellate or simple hairs; petiole equal to or longer than leaf blade; leaves broadly cordate, nearly entire or irregularly toothed, minutely pubescent on both surfaces, often with few, closely felted longer hairs intermixed; stipules linear, deflexed; flowers yellow, 2-3 cm across, opening in the evening; solitary, axillary; pedicels longer than petioles, jointed near the tip; bracteoles absent; calyx lobes-5, valvate, united up to the middle, ovate, acute; petals-5, free above, connate below, spreading, broadly ovate, rounded or emarginate at apex, ciliate at base, yellow; staminal column short, divided at apex into numerous filaments, stellately hairy, basal part conical and upper tubular, glabrous; carpels 15-20, longer than calyx, glabrescent, truncate, shortly awned, spreading; styles as many as carpels; ripe carpels separating from the axis, awned, 1- or more seeded; seeds dark brown, minute with stellate hairs. |