Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Gossypium arboreum - L.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Deo- kapas, Blunt leaf cotton, Indian cotton tree
Habit Shrub
Synonym Gossypium glabratum Tod.
Habitat Planted or wild
Color Of Flower Pink or yellow
Key Characters Epicalyx lobes united up to 10 mm, entire or not divided below the middle.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub or low tree, 1-2 m high; branches with purple tinge, pilose; leaves palmate, deeply 5-7 partite, lobes mucronate, contracted at the base, 1-glandular with an extra tooth in the sinus, usually hairy; stipules ensiform or linear-lanceolate; flowers axillary, solitary; epicalyx cordate, ovate, acute; calyx cupular, truncate, inconspicuously 5-dentate; with 3 nectaries at base; corolla usually light pink or yellow with or without a dark purple centre; obovate, petals 3-4 cm long, spreading, staminal tube antheriferous for its whole length; capsules ovoid, oblong, beaked, 3-4 locular with 5-20 seeded; seeds ovoid or globular with cottony greyish- black floss, not easily separable. |