Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Gossypium barbadense - L.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Kapas, Sea island cotton
Habit Small or large shrub
Synonym Gossypium javanicum Blume
Habitat Cultivated or planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Epicalyx lobes completely embracing the fruit.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, herbaceous bush; branches often purplish, leaves nearly glabrous, orbicular to ovate, cordate at base, 3-5 lobed, acuminate; petioles as long as or slightly longer than pedicels; stipules linear to lanceolate; flowers solitary, usually axillary, sometimes terminal; pedicels short, often glandular at tip; epicalyx lobes 3, very large, ovate to orbicular, deeply gashed with long acuminate teeth, auricled at base; calyx cupular, truncate or toothed; corolla pale yellow or white with purple tinge; petals obovate convolute, yellow with crimson spot in centre; staminal column erect; capsules ovoid, acuminate, fusiform, beaked, pitted; seeds black often, covered with readily separable cotton. |