Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Gossypium hirsutum - L.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Kapas, Mexican cotton
Habit Large shrub
Synonym Gossypium lanceolatum Tod.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves narrow, cordate, hirsute.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, coarse, much branched bush; young parts clothed with wooly hairs; leaves simple, sub-orbicular or cordate, 3-15 cm across, upper mostly 3-lobed sometimes entire, lower ones 5-lobed, usually rounded at the base; flowers solitary, terminal or axillary, epicalyx 3, deeply gashed; calyx campanulate or cupular, usually with 5 rounded, acuminate lobes; corolla yellow turning to pink-purple without dark centre; petals spreading; staminal tube antheriferous throughout; capsules spherical, beaked, 2-5 cm long, black dotted; seeds greyish, rusty or green with copious floss. |