Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Hibiscus hirtus - L.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Gurhal, Lesser Mallow
Habit Small shrub
Synonym Hibiscus phoeniceus Willd.
Habitat Open areas
Color Of Flower Orange
Key Characters Epicalyx absent or minute; flowers white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, hispid herb or undershrub; branches with minute, stellate hairs; leaves ovate, hastate, acuminate, lower ones often cordate, entire or slightly 3- lobed, more or less stellately hairy on both surfaces, often with a large gland on the midrib beneath; petiole as long as the leaf, hairy; stipules free lateral, linear; flowers solitary, axillary with spreading corolla; pedicels usually as long as petioles, covered with spreading hairs; epicalyx 5-7 lobed, linear, subulate, shorter than sepals; calyx 5 toothed, divided nearly to the base; sepals linear-lanceolate, hairy, persistent; corolla orange-yellow, pink or white; petals obovate, rounded at apex; stamens numerous, staminal column usually as long as the petals, antheriferous only in the upper half, anthers monothecous; ovary 5 locular, each with 3 or more ovules; styles-5, connate below; stigma capitate; capsule loculicidally dehiscent, 5 valved, shorter than calyx, globose; seeds many, small, cottony. |