Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Kydia calycina - Roxb.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Bharanga, Pula, Roxburgh’s Kydia
Habit Tree
Synonym Kydia fraterna Roxb.
Habitat Mixed forest
Color Of Flower Creamy white
Key Characters Large tree.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree; branches densely pubescent with minute, grey, stellate hairs; leaves simple or lobed, leathery, palmi nerved with prominent glands on veins beneath; ovate-rounded, base subcordate-ovate, obtuse, stellate hispid above, gray, stellate-pubescent beneath; petiole about 2-5 cm long; flowers in axillary or terminal panicles, polygamous; pedicels up to 1.5 cm, pubescent; epicalyx segments 4-6, leafy connate at base spreading in fruit; calyx cup shaped, lobes ovate-acute; corolla creamy white; petals 4-5, longer than sepals but shorter than epicalyx, adnate to staminal tube; staminal column divided into 5 divisions, each bearing 3-4 imperfect anthers in female flowers; ovary 2-3 celled, ovules 2 in each cell, style 3 cleft, stigmas 3, peltate, imperfect in male flowers; capsules subglobose, muticous, loculicidally 3-valved, enclosed within the calyx, hairy, subtended by epicalyx; seeds brown, glabrous, reniform, furrowed. |