Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sida cordata - Burm. f. Borss.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Nagabala, Bhumibala, Heart leaf sida
Habit Herb
Synonym Sida veroniciformis L.
Habitat Waste land
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Trailing herbs without glandular hairs
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, erect or trailing herbs or undershrubs, clothed with few scattered, radiating hairs, mostly branching at base with slender, procumbent branches; leaves broadly ovate or orbicular, cordate, acute, serrate, slightly hairy; petiole shorter than the blade; flowers axillary, solitary or in loose racemes; pedicels slender, jointed in the middle; epicalyx absent; calyx campanulate, 5 angled, segments triangular, acute, glabrous inside, hairy outside; petals yellow, free, scarcely exceeding the calyx, obovate, ciliate at base; stamens numerous, staminal tube dividing at the summit into numerous anther bearing filaments; anthers monothecous; carpels-5, muticous or shortly bicuspidate, sometimes shortly awned; mericarps 5, tetrahedral, sometimes awned, smooth, shortly mucronate or bicuspidate; seed solitary, pendulous, ovoid, glabrous, grey. |